Taxonomy Basics

Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification. The root words in the Greek τάξις, taxis (meaning 'order', 'arrangement') and νόμος, nomos ('law' or 'science'). Originally taxonomy referred only to the classifying of organisms or a particular classification of organisms. Generally, taxonomy refer to a classification of things or concepts, as well as the classification principles. Taxonomies are are a type of a controlled vocabulary, a standardized set of terms and phrases that are used to index and retrieve information about a particular subject in a systematic, unambiguous way.

The development of a taxonomy is an iterative, evolutionary process. As with ontology, there are a few important guidelines:

  • There is no "correct" way to model a subject domain - alternatives always exist,
  • The best model always depends on user requirements,
  • Taxonomy development requires revision and refinement every step of the way
  • Knowledge of both the subject domain and information organization principles is necessary to create a useable taxonomy.
Unlike ontology development, taxonomy development requires detailed understanding of the domain of interest and associated processes. Taxonomy development has a general process, as well: