Case Studies

The purpose of the Case Study page is to provide integrated examples of the concepts, methods, techniques, and procedures descibed and presented on my web page. I have found the best way to prove the efficacy and utility of my collected work is to provide demonstrators that can be used to evaluate and replicate what I do. While the majority of my work is based on industry standards and tradecraft, there are number of methods and processes I have created. Some are described in detail... and some are not. I hope you find value in these case studies, I had fun building them!

Business Case Study

The Business case study addresses vehicle recalls pulled from the databases of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The objective of this case study is to demonstrate specific ontology development, text-mining techniques, and visualization methods.

Business Case

National Security Case Study

The National Security case study covers Sabri Khalil al-Banna, 'Abu Nidal'. Founder of Fatah (Revolutionary Council), the group was commonly known as the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO), regarded as the most ruthless of the Palestinian extremist groups.

National Security Case

Social Science Case Study

The Social Science case study covers the Kalasha people of NE Afghanistan. For centuries this light-skinned, pagan people have claimed decendency from Alexander the Great's world-conquering armies, which invaded the region in the 4th century BCE. I find them infinately fascinating and interesting.

Social Science Case