
The development of geospatial visualizations is common place in today's analytical environment. Software such as ArcGIS, GRASS, and MapWindow GIS have made it easy to develop standardized products. The emergence of of geo-statistics, spatio-temporal mapping, and heatmaps have increased the utility of geospatial visualizations in all domains and industries.


Relational analysis covers a wide area of consideration. It is fundementally about understanding the nature of relationships between object A and object B. There are innumerable attributes and elements that can be used to quantify, qualify, and describe relationships. Relational analysis can be used to ascertain relationships between anything. The domain determines the method.


Life exists within and is bound by time. Time is an essential part of most analytical endeavors. Temporal analysis is not as simple as event or cycle observations. Time can be viewed sequentially, as a process, or ethnographically. There are defined methods and procedures for most temporal analytics but there are a host of other techniques that can be used as well.

Temporal Methods