
Ontology is the philosophical study of being. The history of ontology has developed from a set of fundamental, implacable disputes about what is. It seeks to understand the very nature of being, existence, identity, essence, and possibility. It describes the part, the one, the object, properties, relationships, facts, and world a thing exists within. It is the 'thing' that is the matter.

Ontology Concepts


Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification of things or concepts, including the principles that underlie such classification. Taxonomic classification formalizes the hierarchical organization of things into categories and subcategories that reveal their likenesses. Groupings of like things are called taxa, the plural of a taxon. Developing a taxonomy requires a high degree of specificity and inclusion for accuracy.

Taxonomy Concepts

Linked Data

Unlike ontology or taxonomy, which are disciplinary methods for knowledge organization, the concept of linked data connects related information in a useful way. At a conceptual level, Linked Data defines the relationships that form a structured network of concepts, declaratively. The implementation exposes, shares, and connects pieces of data, information, and knowledge semantically using URIs and RDF.

Linked Data Concepts

Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is a method that crosses the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics. NLP provides the mathematical methods for processing human language into computable strings. The objective of NLP is to develop meaning from human or natural language input through the use of logicical processes. Modern NLP algorithms are based on statistical machine learning that form linguistics patterns to form meaning in context.

NLP Concepts

Dictionary and Thesaurus

The IT dicipline defines a data dictionary as a repository of metadata elements that define and describe a data resource. When the term is used in the context of applied linguistics a data dictionary refers to the approved terms associated with a domain of interest. A data thesaurus is a structured list of preferred terms or subjects that indicate relationships between those terms by defining what a term means, the preferred terms, relationships between other terms, and non-preferred terms.

Dictionary and Thesaurus Concepts


In this section, a list of text-mining tools, libraries, and API's are listed with reviews on their performance and utility. There are hundreds of tools that can be used for text- mining, each for different purposes, usability, and complexity. I have developed this list as a way to provide a balanced perspective for ontologist, taxonomist, text miners, and knowledge engineers involved in the business of text-mining. Send me an email if you have a tool not listed here for evaluation and review.

Tools and Reviews